Organic Certification for Beginners
Complete guide for beginners on how to get started with organic certification.
Service Description
Don't ask your neighbor. Ask me. Book a one hour consultation to find out where to start with organic certification. I will be your guide through the standards, choosing a cert body, timing your certification and providing application support. With a lifetime of knowledge growing up on a thriving certified organic grain and livestock farm, years of administrative experience working for a certification body, volunteer board work with the provincial organic sector, Saskorganics, travelling the world navigating organic exports from our family farm, owning and operating a successful organic beef business and a thorough knowledge base of the application and certification process, meet with Heather Schmitt to help you get started. What I offer comes from a lifetime of networking and hands on experience building the organic sector.
Cancellation Policy
No refunds for missed or cancelled sessions. Schmitt Organics is not responsible for carrying out your inspection, or responsible for any outcomes of your inspection. Schmitt Organics is not responsible for the accuracy of information portrayed on documents. It is the client's responsibility to review all data for accuracy before submission. By agreeing to this policy, the client agrees to waive all liability to Schmitt Organics and any personell.
Contact Details
Zenon Park, SK, Canada